
Do what we promise,
when you need it.


Clean Scene Core Fulfillment Promise

  1. We always FULFILL what we have promised.
  2. We find a way to say YES. Every time we say “yes we can do that for you” and follow through to exceed expectations, we relieve the stress of our customer; we absorb their worry.
  3. We provide CLEAN, SIMPLE & EFFICIENT communication that meets our customer’s needs.
  4. We do not create a perception of complication by saying too much or too little.
  5. Our business philosophy is different and provides more value than our competitors. Make sure our customers come to appreciate that price is what you pay but value is what you receive. WE PROVIDE VALUE.
  6. EFFICIENT communication means we anticipate and communicate future needs to our customers. We generate opportunities by being proactive.
  7. We will think about how to make our customer’s day better, and then try to achieve this. Make them feel special and satisfied to partner with Clean Scene. We SMILE when talking on the phone; customers can ‘hear’ it.
  8. Assure our customers their needs will be immediately attended to with our benchmark clean, simple and efficient service. Use any resources – people, equipment, knowledge – to provide an instant remedy whenever possible.
  9. We listen first to our customer’s concerns, before planning the solution.
  10. To our customers, we are calm, in control and able to handle everything; no matter how hard we have to work behind the scenes to achieve the goal. We keep in mind that the customer doesn’t need to know HOW we get things done, only that we CAN get things done. Our frontline is always CLEAN, SIMPLE & EFFICIENT.
  11. FULFILLMENT is also our internal commitment. We work hard for each other. The same rules apply to how we treat each and every co-worker at Clean Scene.